Freshly Pressed Win Oxy

This great give away is just for someone like me who has a problem in her adult age with acne. If anyone can help, give advice I would appreciate it greatly.

    • Cheril
    • July 17th, 2010

    Hi Jackie,
    My understanding of acne is that pimples are minuscule hates aimed at attacking the self. The mind attacks the body in some way when it cannot successfully address an external issue. In essence, it is the self saying, I do not know what to do. I have tried everything, but to no avail.
    ACIM says this…know first that attack is brought on by fear. The answer to attack is Perfect Love.
    It is our responsibility to take the first step towards healing. Once this step is taken, everything else will be provided. In other words, we turn away from what we believe the problem and the solution are, and instead expand our consciousness to an empty space where the problem and the solution can come together. This is called the Atonement. Once this happens, this is the miracle….or you will know the truth, and it will set you free.

    • Cheril, I do agree. I am learning this and opening myself up to the solutions. I also do a reading on “scripture healing” and I believe that things will come together as I have to learn my “lesson.” Great insight thanks.

    • skine6
    • August 9th, 2010

    Great site! I haven’t landed on before in my searches!I found very useful information about
    cosmetics here… Keep up the good work!

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