What is Your Passion/Mission/Vision for Your Life?

Please feel free to share your mission below on the comments.

A Vision is the (WHAT): what you see as possible for others, or the world, your community or how you can serve.

A PURPOSE is the (WHY): why you are here, what you are here to do, how you are going to do it.

A Mission is the (HOW): what you are here to do, your vision and purpose that you want to follow through, what you are going to do to make it happen with your actions.

For example, “Jackie Paulson has a life calling to help others become more aware of their mission and inspire others to stay positive with courage and strength.

    • Cheril
    • July 26th, 2010

    My mission is to share the Universal Plan of One Wholeness Now. The purpose of this Plan is to teach the people how to exchange fragmented brain emotional immaturity with whole spiritual emotional integrity through the correct application of miracles.

  1. Thank you Cheril for sharing. I know for a fact that you do what you say. You have amazing insights.

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